Responsive image

Gérard Rancinan, photographer & Caroline Gaudriault, writer

Langue Française English language


The Immortals

a 35-minutes film - 2019

The camera is at the centre of the table of a diner in the city, where the guests are the representatives of a contemporary society overwhelmed by its era. The camera films them tirelessly, in real time, describing a sequence shot which leaves them stuck, with no possibility of escape, in a series of discussions without conclusion.
They talk of their relationship with time, of social evolution and the world of art. The grotesque hides a narcissism and a deliquescence from which no one escapes. The authors thus show the tragedy inherent in the banality of our epoch.
Suddenly, the diner, caught between games of seduction and differences of opinion, is perturbed by the entrance of a new character. A young Russian woman, who has been the subject of a misunderstanding, reveals herself to the others and creates a distance. Everyone feels as if they have fallen into a trap.
Since the subject of discussion is the art world, it is more than possible that these guests represent the French spirit, which becomes a work of art.
Gérard Rancinan and Caroline Gaudriault intend to write and direct two further sequences set in two different epochs, thereby describing the human comedy through history.
Part I: The Royalists – Under Louis XVI
Part II: The Monarchists – Under Napoleon III 

The Scarcity of Miracle

a 48-minutes film - 2016

Taken the thesis that every life is the probability of a miracle, man draws his vital strength from his relation to a cosmic reality. It is this creative strength, inventive and poetic, which involves him into an energy, and into an initiatory wandering through the world.

And yet, man is the prey of other humans, who are quick to reinvent such reality, which never seems to be enough. He must face technocratic deviances, moralizers who impose their diktats. Those ones who erase all trace of language, all form of imagination, all free will.

In this cultural shipwreck, these flatfooted men tend to make their point of view the only valid one.

> Movie Trailer :

The Trilogy of The Moderns - BEHIND THE SCENES

a 48-minutes film - 2012

“There was never any premeditation in terms of the making of the film.”

The images are shaky, the sound has a slight hiss, the editing is choppy, and the whole thing was done with whatever came to hand. This experimental film plunges the viewer into a five-year odyssey, a journey though the universe of the photographer, Gérard Rancinan, and the writer, Caroline Gaudriault. The two authors are fully themselves throughout: there was never any premeditation in terms of the making of the film.

Vincent Tavernier has woven together intimate sequences, random images, and moments lived spontaneously to paint a confidential picture of what makes the work of the duo so original:
boundless energy, a cauldron of ideas, emotional commitment, all the impact characteristic of photography, and writing as a constant provocation and an invitation to watchfulness.

With the greatfull participations of:
Paul Ardenne

Sauvons l’Amour

a 12-minutes film - 1986

by Gérard RANCINAN
with Gabrielle Lazure, original music by CharlElie Couture